Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Beaten or Saint. Fallen victim to the night sweats of staining desire and the eggshell thin facade that spider cracks with each breathless pant, each writhing moan. May those backs break like will. Crack, crack, crack. May those wills break back. Crack, crack, crack. In there is a truth, among the candlelit tremble, swift moving […]

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Great houses won’t contain the surety of will possessed. The fast, clumsy fingers performing for the first time; the grip on a kite string, the drumming of that song, the counting in measured cadence. 1, 2, 3, 4. Can you open the bedroom door? Is the light allowed into this tiny world of fierce fantasy? […]

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I can touch Heaven, yet only believed in Hell. The mirror taught nothing, costumed in a pyre of disdain with eyes vacant of faith in anything but a deserved torment. “Burn,” it would say. “Burn and know you earned this.” And so my soul turned to ash, brittle, flaking. I bled black on every love […]

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The sky is robbed of color. What a crafty turn of carelessness, what an act of full hatred. Steal blue, gold, orange drift, and beg at the alter of others’ attention. Maybe pull a tongue, taste a truth, find a lick of Heaven as the monochrome of your exhaustion wears thin, cheesecloth excuses for fleeing […]

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Give me a day where it’s all full and illuminated. I want to suck at the tit of progress, bleed hot serum from secret threats, digging into souls with dirty fingernails and reaching for a sun dipped in frost. Clever leaps of hurdles at the crystal hours, a prismatic hope bounced off the walls of […]

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Bled by light, chemical burns and crushed within fists shaking from violent rage, dark eyes penetrate. Cancers pervasive in the edges of this self portrait, growing, eating, fucking and clawing with eagerness to end the tinny clarion setting hairs on end, tearing kindness from saints. Glares and flares, deepened stares, the enemy of reason and […]

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Don’t it impress, that feisty tenacity of the sea’s spray? The salty corrosion of her mineral kiss on land and metal, eroding concrete and steel? She loves to seduce progress, beckoning it ever closer with calm nights alight with starshine and days reflecting sky and sun in the swim of glass pools. It edges closer […]

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