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I Am Santo

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Look there, out on the road
A cataract view of love
Corroded and collapsing
with uttered disdain
For each gesture made;
What a low fool.
He stoops, knees bent and worn
reducing himself
to pinch-measure ego,
Self-worth summed in the thin space
Between thumb and index.
What a pressed fuck.
What spineless affability,
Tiptoeing on eggshells
and listening to their
Crack, crack, crack underfoot anyhow.
Such craned careful caresses
So as not to upset,
And beg for the crucifix.
The torn wrists and achilles,
Run through
with the raw condescending need
To reign in matters of the heart.
To spatter and feel alive
under the spicket of truth,
Petals opening
Letting in righteous and indignation
In such balanced measure
that the stem bends,
Never breaks
But the blossom stagnates.
Killing love is easy
For the rose.
Her thorns hunger for blood.
And on that slick roadside
The victims lie one by one
In view of the next
Whose heart longs to be
Prick, prick, pricked
By the long bowed neck
Of a hate masquerade.

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