Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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INDIFFERENT Plucked from the vine and minus all thorns to protect, this heart blooms, arteries threading petal limbs and grabbing for belonging. It doesn’t choose, but wheeling stars and the curve of destiny craft felony ghosts moving this way and that, through and passed, skin absent yet intention reaching deep; pulling, teasing, holding, coaxing, unfurling […]

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Look there, out on the road A cataract view of love Corroded and collapsing with uttered disdain For each gesture made; What a low fool. He stoops, knees bent and worn reducing himself to pinch-measure ego, Self-worth summed in the thin space Between thumb and index. What a pressed fuck. What spineless affability, Tiptoeing on […]

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Red petals extend into night, air illuminated by industry. Steady hands failing to inherit the beauty of such nature honestly, though so tiny in comparison to the solid reach into cloud mist, angled precision slight with human success. Appreciated beauty at the answer of each inquiry, petals spread, flora inviting. Sinking reflection awards little, robbing […]

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Diffuse signals bark for order, drawing lines to their colors and filtering progress carefully in measure, as if life were a genius recipe demanding exact quantities to impress flavor. Commands echo, trapped behind pressed eyelids swarming with thoughts of futures spun ahead, in sight but disallowed to dissolve the present. Sharpened by indifference, growth mocks […]

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