Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Triumphant as rivulets, They’re only so good as one. Beautiful? Sure. But progress isn’t easy On the slow side that’s alone. The dragged down. The fallen. The desperate stretch for another To collapse into, Connect, Pool together And conjur the merciful wet Reminding the numb Of alive, Of breathing. Merge and curl, Supple flesh heaving, […]

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Look there, out on the road A cataract view of love Corroded and collapsing with uttered disdain For each gesture made; What a low fool. He stoops, knees bent and worn reducing himself to pinch-measure ego, Self-worth summed in the thin space Between thumb and index. What a pressed fuck. What spineless affability, Tiptoeing on […]

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  When you were a child, they taught you to love big, to stretch your arms for a wide embrace and believe in another. The mothers found the fathers, and so there were children born in days of promise, when glass seas reflected doting Godlight and clear days afforded views of comfortable tomorrows. It was […]

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Come on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by simple hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]

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Come on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by shingle hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]

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Each one of these days pounds ego and heart into puddles spilled roadside and forgotten once the air dries. Sun beaten, any sign of pain erases. No splash made, these are the despised hours where an ocean’s weight drowns past promise. The gray was summoned! Greed and desire cracked each dam and then there’s surprise […]

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Shimmering and sun soaked, she jumped puddles like they were acid-filled, stinging hurt awaiting her errant footfalls. Umbrella tight in hand, the rain dribbled around her edges, staining pools of spent tears with ripples of impact. Light stung at the corners of her eyes, but she moved fast to avoid it all, undistracted by the […]

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