Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Dance in the light, child. Know the gift of every color and spread your sweet vigor, enthusiastically melting hard cynicism with curious wonder. Dance with those rays as they flood rooms with winning fictions, your play and song. Midnight holds no sway over your smile, and darkness can find no purchase while your eyes shine. You’ll forever be our ferocious beacon of truth, the distillation of our brightest intention and most blinding hope. Lead us out of the black so we can know your thrill, your whimsy, and your cacophonous joy. Remind our nights of the beauty of day. #child #son #love #cute #light #flare #shine #sweet #play #smile #jtsanto #poem #poetry #literary_imagery1 #literary_original (at Alight)

To see what's what in the world of Santo

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