Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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You have all the chance loaded Like Vegas dice In a casino just off the strip Filled with desperate souls Stained with cigarette dreams And the faith of felt tables. Truth is, The death of me Is that woman Writhing in language, Swimming in metaphor And gambling With dangerous curves, The rounded bend Of ass, […]

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“How long is it going to stand like that?” asked O’Mally as if Gabriel’s statue decided to stand beside the duck pond and wasn’t placed there by Ethan. “As long as it needs to be,” Ethan said in a low voice, squinting against the afternoon sun’s glimmer off the water. “As long as it’s useful.” […]

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Why bother drawing another breath? It’s only going to disappoint. These smooth pronouncements, oh how they make the legs quiver. Oh how they make the lust wet. And yet, stop. Keep the momentum in a downshift and bless the birthed dissatisfaction of hungry days. Because what’s right is right. Because the truth is a spit […]

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The belief in you is salvation for a soul left crooked by worry and fault. The twenty hour wakings leave heavy stones on hearts beating with ever more labor that you – somehow and someway – avoid the haunt of misery. It’s not all sadness. There are smiles and laughter poking through the blanket of […]

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At the edge of antiquity, the crumbling vacancy of hope is a mistake taken wind, a mast erected and gathering the warm southern breeze, spread with the fuel of sunlight. The mist rises and the balance of these limited fortunes diminish with each course navigated. Stay or go. Fight or flight. Worry or indifference. The […]

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Dance in the light, child. Know the gift of every color and spread your sweet vigor, enthusiastically melting hard cynicism with curious wonder. Dance with those rays as they flood rooms with winning fictions, your play and song. Midnight holds no sway over your smile, and darkness can find no purchase while your eyes shine. […]

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No. No, no, no, Goddamn it. Sink your teeth into this night and pull the sun from its brilliant murder of the horizon. Cancel the descent of night because she’s worth saving, worth the toss of a lifeline into the ocean of anonymity she threatens to drown you in. Are you so obviously average? The […]

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Bled by light, chemical burns and crushed within fists shaking from violent rage, dark eyes penetrate. Cancers pervasive in the edges of this self portrait, growing, eating, fucking and clawing with eagerness to end the tinny clarion setting hairs on end, tearing kindness from saints. Glares and flares, deepened stares, the enemy of reason and […]

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After the thrive, when promises dripped liked early morning dew, the decay set in; challenging hopes, chasing dreams with the sharpened teeth of reality. They fell, the shared home of their experience dropping away as the might of cacophonous days forced change. Never of heart, but of circumstance. The wind is what sets this course, […]

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Diving from the sun. Piercing eyes, a flare, the shine of a stare too long at hope and warm acceptance. Dance with the periphery, live at the corners with affordable prisms that skitter as insects under scrutiny, fearful of capture. Hold out hands, flex fingers and find gold play and coal shade drift with each […]

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