Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Volley and gambit, crazed lassos of reckless curiosity cast and tightening around this, that, a thing there and a world gleaming in new wonder; oh how you’ve divined the water of life and air of love from a world too often fraught with tremble and disease. You unearthed the well-spring of rejuvenation, unsullied the gorgeous […]

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Going wonder. Going. Growing. Gone. Grown. Joy lifted. Elevated. Pushed Heavenward. Debuted in the summer haze. Cured by the winter chill. The crawl into age and ownership. This world. An inheritance of debt and worry. How youth colors it. How it’s forgotten. The melody lost. What a tune. Such ear candy. Not lost. Shunned. Stored […]

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Dance in the light, child. Know the gift of every color and spread your sweet vigor, enthusiastically melting hard cynicism with curious wonder. Dance with those rays as they flood rooms with winning fictions, your play and song. Midnight holds no sway over your smile, and darkness can find no purchase while your eyes shine. […]

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These are the first footfalls. Grand designs await in lingering dawns where your hands will shake with nerves and sweat will bead at your hairline, expectation and fear in equal measure feeding your freight-train pulse; rich emotion seizing your every resource. I hope the small victories prepare you, that when your heart swells or breaks, […]

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Up on the beam, balanced and perfect in the morning sun’s embrace. It’s my pride, my best, toughest decision and the hard work still ahead remains daunting, yet so much has already been accomplished. One small foot after the other, each tiny trial the path to growing up. #morning #son #sun #sunlight #toddler #balance #balancebeam […]

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Kid has quite the comprehensive collection of colored, cake and candy coated candles. #alliterationfornoreason #candles #toddler #ocd #wax #why #huh #cute #sweet #love #son #play (at Santo’s Candle Palace)

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