Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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These wishes for you near,
they are becoming habits.

Captured memories of your fingertips
tracing the lines of my body,
I feel you in the almost
of the air,
quietly beckoning.

And these sensations,
summoned like spring
at the end of summer,
they are immutable,
a constant reminder
of wisdom within our fire.

Whether ember or flame,
diligently fueling,
A wholeness to our effort,
fusion to our cracks.
The luxury I find in that is you here,
in this that we are making.

This corner of a season,
this rebuke of loneliness,
where the mind walks,
the heart leaps,
and the body comes.
Each tendril of heat
a promised embrace.

Oh, how I welcome it,
praying for these moments,
to carry me through the mundane,
to lighten the weight of the burden of your absence.
This, a distant second, to tangled limbs and shared air,
to desire matched and met.

A wish calls powers
greater than us for deliverance.
A dream begs reality for a chance.
This is action, baby.
And the flint-struck spark of our lips,
our bodies,
our souls
labels this our time
despite the Earth’s turn,
regardless of the sun’s direction.


A collaboration with the very gifted and lovely @jesmegs who, whenever we write together, bends my style her way. She’s got more heart in a single verse than I usually do in entire pieces. I did the photo weirdness and we traded off verse, so it starts with her and alternates until I finished at the end. Thank you as always for fun challenge, Jessica. Always a pleasure.

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