Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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He wanted to be the first star in everyone’s sky, the glimmer that snuck at the corner of attention, seized thoughts and drew worship. He wanted to disobey the rule of days, burn brighter than the sun and pull oceans harder than the moon. Furtive maneuvers clung to sweat-drenched lust, word spills of oil killing […]

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Sometimes it seems like the Earth is dying, forcing the unobservant to arrest little concerns and stare, slack-jawed into moments that won’t happen again. Every second a snowflake disappearing on the tongue of our hurry, tasted chill vanished, faded and yet distinct if you distill her down to that finite sting. Yet we swallow, breath […]

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My God, can we make all of it beautiful? Can we round out all of the edges that threaten splinters and sing in full voices when our lungs cave under shame? A brilliance cast across the mundane, soft wonder in the fleeting moments between our need. We grip the sun in aching fingers, our souls […]

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No. No, no, no, Goddamn it. Sink your teeth into this night and pull the sun from its brilliant murder of the horizon. Cancel the descent of night because she’s worth saving, worth the toss of a lifeline into the ocean of anonymity she threatens to drown you in. Are you so obviously average? The […]

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They’re in the air, singing in whispers from a broken sleep, interrupted by moonshade and a think oil of unforgiving that courses through their bodies as if a heart still pumped, empty pistons of impulse counting cracked regrets. They pass right through you; vaporous trails of memory released from history by the random trick of […]

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Wrapped in the clutch of flora, our confidence yields to the first play of nature’s prying hands. Knitted tangles of her finest chaos clinging to the hardness of best laid plans, the finest option is acquiescence; cooperation between our arts. The struggle of balance at home against the wild vines of her beauty, immersed in […]

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Drawn in salt, in the sweat of our effort, are these rules; man made guidelines for our protection and diligence. They bark and threaten with punishments to keep us in line. Keep safe. Color in the lines. Follow with one foot in front of the other to ensure it all goes as planned in this […]

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Don’t it impress, that feisty tenacity of the sea’s spray? The salty corrosion of her mineral kiss on land and metal, eroding concrete and steel? She loves to seduce progress, beckoning it ever closer with calm nights alight with starshine and days reflecting sky and sun in the swim of glass pools. It edges closer […]

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“Isn’t it just the damnedest thing?” he asked in a cracking voice gruff with tobacco and experience. “It’ll carry you, transport you from here to another place and from there, another and another.” I nodded, hot sun playing at the corners of my eyes. He smiled crooked, lips curled somewhere in the middle of rumination. […]

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Shimmering and sun soaked, she jumped puddles like they were acid-filled, stinging hurt awaiting her errant footfalls. Umbrella tight in hand, the rain dribbled around her edges, staining pools of spent tears with ripples of impact. Light stung at the corners of her eyes, but she moved fast to avoid it all, undistracted by the […]

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