Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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No. No, no, no, Goddamn it. Sink your teeth into this night and pull the sun from its brilliant murder of the horizon. Cancel the descent of night because she’s worth saving, worth the toss of a lifeline into the ocean of anonymity she threatens to drown you in. Are you so obviously average? The color of your soul so pale as to disappear under moonshine and one faint star’s light? Sing your song louder and paint your masterpiece with confident hands blasting canvas into convulsive treaties that find peace in cracked belief. Crane as industry across dusk, and find the strength to build, fight, fuck and keep each lowly sign that your are here to make a difference; that your name isn’t but a gravestone etching weather-beaten by uncaring skies. #dusk #sunset #moon #venus #portsmouthnh #newhampshire #night #flare #crane #poem #poetry #writer #writing #literary_imagery (at Unsupported by Fainting Day)

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