Bound with liquid, our nectar dissipates slower, receding home to pressed beginnings and contributing to a swirl of uncommon thought blanketing palettes with serene dreams. Legs stretch as tendrils of divine truth, ruby streams searching for escape but pulled back to centers all encompassing. We sleep during the course, lying captive to attractions pulling us […]
Read MoreSip, surfeit, surrender. Each begins with S and travel abroad on oceans of crested meaning, storms avoided by unwelcome fists balled tight around the stems of fine crystal. It’s not violence, this art, but a swallow and sway within the finite, an arbiter of responsibility retired for evenings spent wading in warm paradise. Dreams grow […]
Read MoreMyself, selfish, the selfsame of wonder. Eyes wide, smile quick, hands restless with fruitless endeavor. Words dripping from mouth as a rusty faucet, gravity’s cadence striking cold rhythms. Self stuck, self blamed, self crazed and careless, a heart tarnished by scrutiny of edges, fine curves elusive, hardness abounding with great ragged breaths of disdain. Self […]
Read MoreRefrain from interrogating the course of things, this stream of rippling mirror projecting upside down worlds of infinite possibility. It’s familiar, the lines of each direction, the flavor of responsibility, the sweet sting of obligation and resultant pride of accomplishment, yet the free fall beckons, unclear of view, but quivering forms of suggestion seducing curiosity […]
Read MoreDon’t count these. This plate of welcome, this contentment served before you as a glimpse into happiness that eludes so many waking hours. Dodge the black guilt, shine a light on it and expose it as the smoke and mirrors it tries to flex past. Born into joy, be thankful and be gracious for your […]
Read MoreThere’s no science or measure to this art, only a simple tool threading together words as woven sentences, the paragraph trapping warmth and burning hours in captive bliss. No hammer strike, rule of measure, sawed pieces or precision of note, but the discordant noise of a thousand bodiless voices clamoring for refuge in ink-stained pulp. […]
Read MoreHe’s you. In so many you are two of a kind. The eyes. Always the eyes which caught me so by surprise the first day I saw him, a small face looking back at me with blue I’ve looked into for countless days, across myriad feelings and settings, blue that never ceases to arrest and […]
Read MoreWith my eyes I see art, yet my hands move as if compromised by other skills, no delicacy with color or shape, no wood or nails meeting exact measures to impress. So I rely on simple science, something new; glass and lens to portray unique angles on this unoriginal span of days generously labeled a […]
Read MoreFlickering light moves, carrying a flood of hopes and expectation. Crunchy exaltation punctuating with salt the sweetness of each moment, a lift and carry of magic in an age if logic, the last bastion of suspended disbelief. Sit. Dive into new lives. Cry for the lost, sing laughter in gales of spun narrative that float […]
Read MoreNo bearings. Winds carry winsome souls. Perched on perfect landscapes, owning everything, they remain unsettled. Stirred again, the air a cyclonic haze of desire, the passionate spin into new directions, uncertainly seducing new homes. Rich embrace accepted, heads turn, necks crane, vigilant for new currents to send up sails and coast to fresh meadows of […]
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