Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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He’s you. In so many you are two of a kind. The eyes. Always the eyes which caught me so by surprise the first day I saw him, a small face looking back at me with blue I’ve looked into for countless days, across myriad feelings and settings, blue that never ceases to arrest and hold even as I rage with passions uncoupled from reason. His passions too, for we are two of a kind as well. Tempests of finest desire and sweetness that tip days either into mud filled ditches or fly them to sweet spun clouds. He and I. You and him. Us. In these storms of morning and quiet afternoon, grow bonds stronger than any metal, forged to weather deep sorrow, guard against aggression, and gleam with pride. Your balance saves him. Your kindness is beauty. Your patience a strength I pray he will someday know. #irispad #twoofakind #family #love #sweet #motherandson #poem #poetry #writer #writing #nofilter #beautiful

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