The cloud canvas explodes with nature’s lust and a huger unsated despite the arrogant swell of her bosom. She’ll tantalize. She’ll uncross her legs and pull longing as if it were a stray thread leading to the unraveled folly of gravity’s earnest hold. Falling into the sky, there’s a sense that Heaven awaits somewhere past […]
Read MoreThe unborn hopes of a future came to them as a child from the clouds. Arms spread and hovering benevolently over the still waters of their present, they stared in awe, hands held tight for the first time since their trouble began. “Is it possible this could happen?” he asked. She unlocked her fingers from […]
Read MoreBe my moon. Be my guide in the grain of dark. I can move with you, baby. We can milk the evening of song and breathe in unison under your glow. There’s home ahead, in the confused tangle of circumstance and failure. Light the way, baby. Find a way to bring me there, naked, palms […]
Read MoreOne day the color of your soul will catch up to you. And you’ll burn in the fires of hate you deserve. You’ll be wrapped in the yellows, reds and oranges of disdain and the simple pleasures you robbed from trust will peel away skin revealing the black hollow of your desires. There’s no pain […]
Read MoreA million fall. Swept up in moments too grand for their tenuous grip on where they’d grown, they catch gusts of passion, take flight, and inevitably tumble. Lost roots, lost security and familiarity, their descent plays against myriad others littering days with the brilliance of chance. Risk is the open heart’s bedfellow, the unregulated beating […]
Read MoreAdjacent to useless in the dead of frozen light, a cold slab of granite unworthy of a headstone or the pause for which it was crafted. Mistaken placement, or perhaps context changed, avenues widening as interests tangled, branches extending into the choked gray. Steps less common, grins lesser so, the reaper’s season robs dreams of […]
Read MoreThere’s something to this. Lost moments reconstructed in artifice. The too hard attempts at bringing beauty to shared moments. Nature is throttled into presence as behaviors are betrayed. No sunrise worshipped, but cathode bleed instead. Crop, edge, burn and tweak the edges of reality until they approximate the simulacrum of fantasy. Greeting card piss, life […]
Read MorePinpoint eyelight in algae irises. Feral reflexes threaten the calm. Windows bar freedom but dispatch would bring death, so the battle is nature and we sit together at odds; roommates with claws drawn and accepted trust keeping war at bay. Fight or flight, it’ll never be what’s desired. There’s no winning when you were born […]
Read MoreI can touch Heaven, yet only believed in Hell. The mirror taught nothing, costumed in a pyre of disdain with eyes vacant of faith in anything but a deserved torment. “Burn,” it would say. “Burn and know you earned this.” And so my soul turned to ash, brittle, flaking. I bled black on every love […]
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