Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / water

Triumphant as rivulets, They’re only so good as one. Beautiful? Sure. But progress isn’t easy On the slow side that’s alone. The dragged down. The fallen. The desperate stretch for another To collapse into, Connect, Pool together And conjur the merciful wet Reminding the numb Of alive, Of breathing. Merge and curl, Supple flesh heaving, […]

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Going wonder. Going. Growing. Gone. Grown. Joy lifted. Elevated. Pushed Heavenward. Debuted in the summer haze. Cured by the winter chill. The crawl into age and ownership. This world. An inheritance of debt and worry. How youth colors it. How it’s forgotten. The melody lost. What a tune. Such ear candy. Not lost. Shunned. Stored […]

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My sea is the sky – the crests of waves, clouds, the currents, turbulence. I’ll scale fathoms, grip a handful of atmosphere and taste the salt of it in my palm before I ascend leagues to the depths of thickest blue, the threat of black surrounding every judgement. I could hoist those dark cares as […]

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I want to melt with the day. Feel the cascade for her leaving, the drip of hours down the bumps of my spine. Clear my head of obligation’s webs, threads of gossamer duty spun to mighty ideals that crack my knees; lower my head. It isn’t too late to forgo this mission. A tiny rebel […]

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Tranquil horizons melt under gray turmoil, and verdant lands stretch, yawning, to recharge under inclement rolls of curdled breath. Dusk silenced by the kettledrum calls of approaching fervor, the gasp of saffron light conducts leaves to open, legs to spread for the welcoming flood. Storms exact quivering lips, tensed thighs, great exhales from starved lands […]

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Well don’t they dip and dive, these benevolent souls craving rich desire? Sinking, undulating, blending sex and soul as if smoke in airless rooms, tendrils of need wrapping into each other as ribbons on gorgeous gifts. They thrust and kiss, succumbing and urging, each an overlapping double exposure on a single canvas, flooding channels with […]

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I want to see your words, not hear them as they fall from fast lips and quick tongue, but watch the soft waves of them as they travel through air, rippling across time, ricocheting off walls and misgivings. Solid words, splashing into oceans as if concrete blankets, fiercely protective, gentle, yet diving with unstoppable force […]

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Refrain from interrogating the course of things, this stream of rippling mirror projecting upside down worlds of infinite possibility. It’s familiar, the lines of each direction, the flavor of responsibility, the sweet sting of obligation and resultant pride of accomplishment, yet the free fall beckons, unclear of view, but quivering forms of suggestion seducing curiosity […]

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Bending light as greedy lovers would their bodies in heated union, flashes of electric brilliance glimmer unpredictably. Submerge mind in body in this rapture, soak in every moment of her stinging chill, air rushing from shocked lungs as eyes press shut and ears mute from the world’s hurry. Sensual paradise, breaking to the surface, draw […]

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Crystalline precious drips from a chalice of cold honor, a bounty for the thirsty, the gift for greedy eyes drunk with visions of perfect satisfaction. Lips brush cool delicacy and draw forth the heat of passion, an awakening of liquid limbs made stiff with ardor. Drink from this. Wet lips and smile, undone. Wrap arms […]

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