Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Mirror mirror, asked on that wall. For you are the fairest of them all. Can you not see? This fairy tale holds no place for others. This happily ever after is yours and no one else’s. Princes may come and go, but your beauty and this divine reflection will stay forever, assuring you of the […]

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Maybe it was the roundness of her eyes or the deep warm brown of her irises that hinted at a universe of thoughts she had swirling like galaxies in her mind. Inviting the curious. It was as if the firmament went out. She wondered if her eyes now just held cold dead space that no […]

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Vestige yearning, piecemeal fulfillment, Seeking a heart that interlocks The way snowflakes blanket And stars collide Far from here, but happening Like these dreams of complete Blanketing Overlapping Depths of understanding Like the churning Of an ocean Tumult sweeping day aside Ushering in stifling night Like stones cast Fleeing light Drawn by the gravity of […]

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She’s wallowing in accordant sin The magnificent din Of misspent fortune. Drinks lap-spilled and drunk. Bleary-eyed sunrises stung. Lace mesh dilettante hung, Filched climax, lyrics hummed But never sung. She’s come undone. Fingers uncoiled from the last rung. Crying among Ripples of fresh sun Tears return to where she’s from. The lapping waves Dismiss a […]

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Not sure this happened. Not sure the wind in the trees rustled with answers to longing, or if that was the sound of clouds ripping apart under a sun that warmed too much, a sky that promised escape. And hearing it all was like milk on your lips, the contrast to now, stray white dribbling […]

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Those pens gripped had spilled more blood than ink, and now carnage roiled by each word spat in epitaph carelessness gathered in conscious pools, the bilious exhuming their regrets in a fountain of their own rot. If care were a weapon, then a nuclear strike had decimated the good and cold blue stared with disdain […]

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When she didn’t show at work on that Monday and Tuesday, her boss Lorna called Elyse’s home and cell numbers with a lump stuck in her throat. There was no answer and there never would be again. One day sad Elyse was here and the next she was not. Lorna still thought of her often, […]

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She’d fantasize about the weight of a faceless stranger bearing down on her, the full hardness of him thick and long driving her to the edge, his strong hand clutching her throat as she gave in to the burning bliss of climax. Then she would lay naked in the gauzy orange of morning spilling through […]

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She was not a widow, but Elyse earned that same kind of sympathy and avoidance wherever she went. She’d spend long hours staring in the mirror during her morning routine, applying lotions and makeup, trying to look and smell the part of everyone else around her. She wore kind dresses with necklines providing an easy […]

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Drawn up from solitude with an addiction to promise, wait wait sweet soul and breath lust another day. Fire aura exploding with charnel decay, wait wait darling and crave love for today. Moving in rhythm sliding as one in night’s groan, wait wait baby and dream this away. Hands exploring the soft stuttering of will, […]

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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