Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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This lust. It’ll kill. This quick sting of cupid’s quill. This longing for the hurry and still. This caving in and shattered will. To argue is to fail, to hold cheap umbrellas against hail and pray to God with a wail, a cry, a hunger and skin drawn pale. Sheet white, sweat glistening, the wonder […]

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Our edges are smoothed by fierce wind. Weather beaten, the drama of our rise still a monument to inevitable passion, collision, ascension. The Earth cracked and shivered with the sky as our salvation, and clinging together, calamitous hearts steadied into one beat that set rhythm to years of striving. Our shadows cast long, we spilled […]

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It’s assumed what could be done was done to create such art. That reason sits behind the infallible Nature of the clay-like sand, the tranquil lapping of crystal waters, the jutting snow-capped peaks and the white clouds blossoming in the blue field of perfect sky. And in enters man, in steps woman; their desire for […]

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Cast from the simple joy of limitless embrace, she’s absent a lifeline to what’s come before. Their past was hunger and nervous voices, words left in the high static of satellite assistance and baud packets dropped, found, throttled and connected as drops of their torrid union sweat on the windows of neither’s home. The sea […]

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My God, can we make all of it beautiful? Can we round out all of the edges that threaten splinters and sing in full voices when our lungs cave under shame? A brilliance cast across the mundane, soft wonder in the fleeting moments between our need. We grip the sun in aching fingers, our souls […]

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No. No, no, no, Goddamn it. Sink your teeth into this night and pull the sun from its brilliant murder of the horizon. Cancel the descent of night because she’s worth saving, worth the toss of a lifeline into the ocean of anonymity she threatens to drown you in. Are you so obviously average? The […]

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Don’t it impress, that feisty tenacity of the sea’s spray? The salty corrosion of her mineral kiss on land and metal, eroding concrete and steel? She loves to seduce progress, beckoning it ever closer with calm nights alight with starshine and days reflecting sky and sun in the swim of glass pools. It edges closer […]

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Low sky, sun drowned within an infinite horizon, stretched into death with a final breath of pink hue kissing night. Another life awaits, the sounds of crickets working their mating calls, and eyes search the dark for signs of light – of love – in those sparkling pin-pricks millions of years old. Traversing epochs of […]

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Carefree shores and vacationing hearts, the toil of yesterday tossed away for the freedom of shorter hours that spin away as unspooled thread might, skittering along the floor like stones over still waters. Breathe in air stinging with salt and pick up these lilting melodies of tides come and gone, the hymnals of lunar mourning.

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