Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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The sky is robbed of color. What a crafty turn of carelessness, what an act of full hatred. Steal blue, gold, orange drift, and beg at the alter of others’ attention. Maybe pull a tongue, taste a truth, find a lick of Heaven as the monochrome of your exhaustion wears thin, cheesecloth excuses for fleeing […]

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My path is littered with death. Husks of once vital, thriving splendor congregate at the alter of my footfalls, worshipping nothing, granting only the sound of cracked bones underfoot. I won’t walk, not a step further, surveying the victims of my purgatory. I’ll stay and weather a Winter’s wrath to see life renewed, or I […]

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A fastidious collection of awe, the driving beauty she possesses. Beg forgiveness, knees shattered under the weight of each supposition, each errant conclusion. How fortunate to behold such a gift of Nature! What a flourish of chance and frightening staccato, the lulling rhythm of days thrumming the mind into a drugged haze of blind complacency. […]

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I’m stuck. I want to belong, but I’m digging deeper holes, becoming more threat than suitable; my usefulness outweighed by the wounds inflicted. I stand alien in familiar environs, unsettling and gilded with a taut, reflexive temper hinging on the rusted spring of need. I was driven here, left in this uncoiled state of vicious […]

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Birth or death? The soul is set free regardless, shimmering in the refracted gold edges of a beginning, an end. The most beautiful fear felt walking the dread line, balancing hope on each step when a plummet into life – or out if it – hinges on single moves, perfect decisions. Crisis circus, a cascade […]

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I’m a criminal soul, squalid color under tender veneer; birthed wrong, dropped from a barbed womb and hung low despite the buoyant gaze, hopes, kindness shown. Mirrors display ruddiness, mistakes, pock-marked stumbling and hate, always with claws tearing muscle from bone, splitting skin with fingernails coated sticky with practiced rhythms, the oil of this average […]

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One stood near the edge of a concrete pedestal, a forgotten vessel for pleasant inebriation and, wrapped in the incandescent orange glow of the city, a story untold. Beside the pedestal, lazily set down near a spill of tangled vines, was a partner flute – not the same size or shape, but too close for […]

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Cup morning in fingers stretched to break skin. File days inside right angles, checked off, finite and clear in their expiry. Awaken with the ghosts of other lives clinging to the mind’s eye and shake them clear as dust from prominent shelves, brandished keepsakes maintained for the kind fetch of frivolous collectors, sycophants bathing in […]

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Could it be believed, the way the day transported us? The way it buoyed our stubborn souls on blankets of downy mist that rolled out of view like sheets left in passion’s wake? We spun in chaotic ribbons of light that flexed with our need across the striated order of days. Disobeying the flat rule […]

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I want to melt with the day. Feel the cascade for her leaving, the drip of hours down the bumps of my spine. Clear my head of obligation’s webs, threads of gossamer duty spun to mighty ideals that crack my knees; lower my head. It isn’t too late to forgo this mission. A tiny rebel […]

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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