Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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I’m stuck. I want to belong, but I’m digging deeper holes, becoming more threat than suitable; my usefulness outweighed by the wounds inflicted. I stand alien in familiar environs, unsettling and gilded with a taut, reflexive temper hinging on the rusted spring of need. I was driven here, left in this uncoiled state of vicious fault, and now unwieldy, I’m a talisman of mistakes, a reminder of stabbing hurt. Fold me. Caress my dominant good. Even the best shock and draw blood from time to time, the sum of me is greater than the lacerations I’ve left; that I could leave. Use me. Know me. I want to be home in your hands. #knife #switchblade #whatthe #sharp #stuck #writer #writing #poem #poetry #literary_imagery #literary_originals (at Threatened)

To see what's what in the world of Santo

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