Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / hands

The heart can’t know. It’s a muscle, thudding to the impulse of the mind’s forgotten needs. Awash in the oxygen of its derelict churning, beating, workman-like, we expect so much of it, thoughts, freedom, direction. It can’t know, so the mind does the work of knowing, believing, caring; its hard duties misappropriated to the chest […]

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I stand easy, back straight, but shoulders sunk to hide an agitated nature. In my pocket is a hooked thumb, palm flat to baggy denim. It’s a casual facade, masking nerves and trepidation that I’ll drown in my own flood of words, mistakenly citing facts and spouting enough blustery opinion that the listener raises an […]

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Clasped in clandestine embrace, a knot with no release and fused souls entwine, singing a silent chorus reverberating through nervous figures. Tensions at the sight of each other. Wringing hands, sweat beading, shifting weight on tense heels, awaiting connection. Breath arrests at simple admissions, commonalities, spirit sightings and courteous discourse. No apparition, no absence of […]

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Myself, selfish, the selfsame of wonder. Eyes wide, smile quick, hands restless with fruitless endeavor. Words dripping from mouth as a rusty faucet, gravity’s cadence striking cold rhythms. Self stuck, self blamed, self crazed and careless, a heart tarnished by scrutiny of edges, fine curves elusive, hardness abounding with great ragged breaths of disdain. Self […]

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