Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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The heart can’t know.
It’s a muscle,
thudding to the impulse
of the mind’s forgotten needs.
in the oxygen
of its derelict churning,
we expect so much of it,
It can’t know,
so the mind does the work
of knowing,
its hard duties misappropriated
to the chest drum
keeping everything alive.
We love our hearts
and curse our minds,
but they are in tandem
much more
for they are given credit.
An internal symbiosis,
a miracle of synchronicity
that sets the bar
so high
for what we need
to nourish both.
We desire that other,
the perfect fit
for our hopes,
our sex,
like the very air we breathe;
we urge on
the chemistry of companionship
as if it were
as much a life line
as our inhalation of oxygen,
our exhalation of carbon dioxide.
And so
heart and mind
must always be one.
If anything’s going to happen,
they’re together in the dream,
the faith,
the result.
It’s all one,
this fabled two,
and letting hope
into one
means allowing entry
into both.



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