Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / autumn

My spirit exposed, a pin-hole camera recording the subtle striations left in mid morning’s wake. Rays of beauty too slight for periphery sorrow, only unflinching hard attention – rebuked affection and a dilated heart. Can you see it? The smallest hint we’re at play in a miracle? Does it matter when you’re off in pursuit […]

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Bent brick, rail thin, rationalized structure in a convex eye. Sinking fast with uproarious tragedies, the kind that allow laughter as echoing ghosts down close wet alleys. Shapes here and there, fleeting in the bounced orange leak of city light rolling overhead; they’re the spirit of our best days lamenting the present with curses. Damn […]

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Hang on. There will be harsh wind and cruel rain. Hang on because letting go will fade us like sun-stained newsprint, our story lost. Cling to me. Show nature your tenacity and weather each graceless intrusion, a sky crowded by the rolling cotton of mistakes, of misunderstanding’s webs clotting all progress, trapping joy in thunderclaps. […]

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Crisp, grey November. Flatter senses with the death of seasons, seducing with the tightened chill of truncated days. We bundle warm intentions, shoulders bunched and necks made stiff behind scarves of red, orange, brown and black. Candy love promises and chocolate prayers blessed under pumpkin candlelight, absent in the fattening of our need for comfort. […]

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The cold drove you away; the reality of winter hiding the sun’s gifts, robbing the day of sweeter scents and bare skin. Huddled for a season, for a lifetime, we’ll dream of longer days where words drifted languidly on humid air caressing our egos, our sex, our sense of right and wrong. And we’ll sip […]

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My path is littered with death. Husks of once vital, thriving splendor congregate at the alter of my footfalls, worshipping nothing, granting only the sound of cracked bones underfoot. I won’t walk, not a step further, surveying the victims of my purgatory. I’ll stay and weather a Winter’s wrath to see life renewed, or I […]

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He wanted to be the first star in everyone’s sky, the glimmer that snuck at the corner of attention, seized thoughts and drew worship. He wanted to disobey the rule of days, burn brighter than the sun and pull oceans harder than the moon. Furtive maneuvers clung to sweat-drenched lust, word spills of oil killing […]

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I could just keep driving, reminding myself of the beauty of change. But the wheels will spin here and I’ll be constant. A world will spin away, carving rings from nothing around the sun, and my role will be to behold. Counting colors, facing shaken faiths and kicking the ground that holds me down, the […]

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Once it was beautiful, and our skin knew warmth with mutual kindness and our eyes caught the sway of our hips; bodies in time to special rhythms. The song decayed over fallen seasons, vibrance drained from ceaseless chills and assumptions, melodies a crumbling discord. Roll the fruit of our endeavor from the patch and it […]

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After the thrive, when promises dripped liked early morning dew, the decay set in; challenging hopes, chasing dreams with the sharpened teeth of reality. They fell, the shared home of their experience dropping away as the might of cacophonous days forced change. Never of heart, but of circumstance. The wind is what sets this course, […]

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