Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Once it was beautiful, and our skin knew warmth with mutual kindness and our eyes caught the sway of our hips; bodies in time to special rhythms. The song decayed over fallen seasons, vibrance drained from ceaseless chills and assumptions, melodies a crumbling discord. Roll the fruit of our endeavor from the patch and it rots from our imperfection, sweetness corrupted, the flaw of our design growing foul. Thread fingers in silence avoiding the cleanup and resolution. Looking at the cancer without an aim to cure it is studying a fly struggling with torn off wings; it’s the march of death that now plays to ears deafened by fear. #irispad #day28 #sept28 #decay #wordoftheday #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #fall #autumn #rot #flawed #literary_imagery #nofilter #poem #poetry #writer #writing

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