There isn’t a heart that beats long into life and hasn’t been torn like the muscle it truly is. Flexed too hard. Pulled too hastily in this direction or that, by a smile or words or eyes or candor. It’s the folly of relying on a single beating drum to set the rhythm of happiness […]
Read MoreGrip fevers of lust And hang from the sawdusted scaffolding Of beleaguered notions And one-way truths Denying forced-bright collusion And the sighs of criminal yearning. A conspiracy of mingling breath In faraway homes. An allegiance forged in unison Despite crowded distance Of days filled with toil, Nights colored like oil, And tear-streaked windows Through which […]
Read MoreSwimming in the sweat of God There’s delight Under palms, Against the body, Held aloft as the salt Boueys Reminding the restless That there’s a place of belonging Lurking around each Staggering day. Empty kisses and The graceless fuck Make waves, Patch the deistic sea With freshwater That pulls like whirlpools Into the drowning of […]
Read MoreTriumphant as rivulets, They’re only so good as one. Beautiful? Sure. But progress isn’t easy On the slow side that’s alone. The dragged down. The fallen. The desperate stretch for another To collapse into, Connect, Pool together And conjur the merciful wet Reminding the numb Of alive, Of breathing. Merge and curl, Supple flesh heaving, […]
Read MoreVestige yearning, piecemeal fulfillment, Seeking a heart that interlocks The way snowflakes blanket And stars collide Far from here, but happening Like these dreams of complete Blanketing Overlapping Depths of understanding Like the churning Of an ocean Tumult sweeping day aside Ushering in stifling night Like stones cast Fleeing light Drawn by the gravity of […]
Read MoreThunder holds no awe next to this, lightning too fleeting to challenge such power. That look. Eyes unblinking, fearless, hair fallen, smile teasing at the corners of lips raw with delight. Mischief is conceived in these moments, but born is ardor, pure as desert sunlight. Inescapable. Incendiary. The body quakes with unpredictable expectation, and mouths […]
Read MoreDreams rumble like the wheels of a car over deep Winter frost heaves. Lurching in misty consciousness at the border of memory and imagination, images pile like celluloid filmstrips laid atop each other; a thick world derived from narratives colliding and bathing in light as if they were the soft milk of confusion, moisturizing the […]
Read MoreIt’s one thing to search Another to believe In the burn of our ardor We regret and we grieve. The drive of today Is the soul of tomorrow An accelerated decline Into the vacuum of sorrow. The curve of such hips The cup of each breast The curiosity arising The cure to unrest. Bless this […]
Read MoreWhy hold on? Why promise connection? The depths of friendship A misdirection. The truth of the matter Is what you wanted you didn’t get. Out of me, out of you Out of us, it’s through But you uttered lies When what was true Was a simple goodbye And have those bygones let. You’ll gather around […]
Read MoreMaybe there’s no path correction, A gleeful lack of true direction. The words won’t flow Exactly as they should. Your story told with lilting inflection, A tale laced with heavy reflection. The life you’d know If only you’d understood. That a man can’t be all things to you And kids never were to act as […]
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