She’s gone. For every mistake, each lash of reflected disdain’s whip and tear shed at silent admonishment for all of it, there was now a shard. The biggest pieces of herself still shown back: the need for his grip on her hips, the yearning for importance in all of their lives, the desire to walk […]
Read MoreThe limitless game, bred from legions of craned necks, would have this mean something. Have the stark interplay of tangled shadows suggest destiny, breathing, the reach for something untouchable yet forever enticing. Looking for meaning from the sky haunts the sullen and inspires the joyous; yet it’s the flaked shavings of science, excess on the […]
Read MoreAt the edge of antiquity, the crumbling vacancy of hope is a mistake taken wind, a mast erected and gathering the warm southern breeze, spread with the fuel of sunlight. The mist rises and the balance of these limited fortunes diminish with each course navigated. Stay or go. Fight or flight. Worry or indifference. The […]
Read MoreCome on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by simple hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]
Read MoreCome on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by shingle hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]
Read MoreTrapped by the flood of circumstance and the ardor of impossibly attained lust, the net cast, the zeros and ones of outrageous fortune that cling to hearts literate in the great languages of binding, abiding, yearning, desiring. Rocky shores threaten shipwrecked delight and moonlight reveals skeletons awash in the salt of uncommon release, cracked ribcages […]
Read MoreUnflinching. Unopened. These wide open eyes with fixed irises tell no tale of light’s injustice or the hard, weathered shell of smooth longing. Granite folly and the stuttering heart of concrete majesty stands emblematic of spent passions and incapable desires. Adorning the mundane, it’s expended effort; spilled seed anywhere but where life could spark in […]
Read MoreOn approach, it’s all beauty. It’s that cheek ripening smile and uncaring laugh, so remarkable in volume and engulfing passion that the nervous air splits as it does moments before lightning strikes. Yet the receiving waters of guilt flood each corner and such moments of fine forgiveness, laid out as spotless cutlery before a grand […]
Read MoreCast from the simple joy of limitless embrace, she’s absent a lifeline to what’s come before. Their past was hunger and nervous voices, words left in the high static of satellite assistance and baud packets dropped, found, throttled and connected as drops of their torrid union sweat on the windows of neither’s home. The sea […]
Read MoreEach one of these days pounds ego and heart into puddles spilled roadside and forgotten once the air dries. Sun beaten, any sign of pain erases. No splash made, these are the despised hours where an ocean’s weight drowns past promise. The gray was summoned! Greed and desire cracked each dam and then there’s surprise […]
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