This lust. It’ll kill. This quick sting of cupid’s quill. This longing for the hurry and still. This caving in and shattered will. To argue is to fail, to hold cheap umbrellas against hail and pray to God with a wail, a cry, a hunger and skin drawn pale. Sheet white, sweat glistening, the wonder […]
Read MoreIn the hunger of the land, where sun and soil mixed with water and great chemistry pervaded the answer to larger questions with a kind of indefatigable disdain for logic, he stood. Never one for vague pronouncements to the nature of things – the climbing trees and the scent of the verdant reach, the clawfoot […]
Read MoreWhen she didn’t show at work on that Monday and Tuesday, her boss Lorna called Elyse’s home and cell numbers with a lump stuck in her throat. There was no answer and there never would be again. One day sad Elyse was here and the next she was not. Lorna still thought of her often, […]
Read MoreShe’d fantasize about the weight of a faceless stranger bearing down on her, the full hardness of him thick and long driving her to the edge, his strong hand clutching her throat as she gave in to the burning bliss of climax. Then she would lay naked in the gauzy orange of morning spilling through […]
Read MoreShe was not a widow, but Elyse earned that same kind of sympathy and avoidance wherever she went. She’d spend long hours staring in the mirror during her morning routine, applying lotions and makeup, trying to look and smell the part of everyone else around her. She wore kind dresses with necklines providing an easy […]
Read MoreThese vowels, these long shapes passing through rounded lips and coughed in consonant wrapped shells fired from discordant thought, well, they have no target. They’re sprayed into the great above, rippling past cirrus intention and falling short of weightlessness, tumbling down with fury, a rain of shallow indignation and blustery but hollow fervor. Being unkind […]
Read MoreDrawn up from solitude with an addiction to promise, wait wait sweet soul and breath lust another day. Fire aura exploding with charnel decay, wait wait darling and crave love for today. Moving in rhythm sliding as one in night’s groan, wait wait baby and dream this away. Hands exploring the soft stuttering of will, […]
Read MoreOur edges are smoothed by fierce wind. Weather beaten, the drama of our rise still a monument to inevitable passion, collision, ascension. The Earth cracked and shivered with the sky as our salvation, and clinging together, calamitous hearts steadied into one beat that set rhythm to years of striving. Our shadows cast long, we spilled […]
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