Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / selfportrait

Awake. Moonlight assaults and cold, so cold and shaking. Maybe from the air. Maybe from the sin of still caring. Carried there to here on the creaking stretcher of consciousness and delivered, sweating, breathing fast into now; horrific now, the creeping, inky unfathomable space of drowning above the surface. Hands pull, never tearing, but crushing […]

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Beat this riot of turbulent discord, shorting wires in the puddles of a Main Street where the huddled parade. Claxon earnestness screams for justice, yet hands fail balance and the rigors of responsibility cause soul tremble; edgy mornings that arrive as brilliant floods. Drowning, hands clutch a fist full of hardship, throat choking on the […]

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Give me a day where it’s all full and illuminated. I want to suck at the tit of progress, bleed hot serum from secret threats, digging into souls with dirty fingernails and reaching for a sun dipped in frost. Clever leaps of hurdles at the crystal hours, a prismatic hope bounced off the walls of […]

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Bled by light, chemical burns and crushed within fists shaking from violent rage, dark eyes penetrate. Cancers pervasive in the edges of this self portrait, growing, eating, fucking and clawing with eagerness to end the tinny clarion setting hairs on end, tearing kindness from saints. Glares and flares, deepened stares, the enemy of reason and […]

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