Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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There’s a home in that sky, Blessed and cotton dream-like Where ribs aren’t broken And poking from the deep cuts made By their gilded edges. They try to trap these secrets These small madnesses that lay silent As dormant volcanoes, Apparent but ignored. Small cities of hope spring from within Looking up with reverence To […]

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The dream of the sky vanished. A coin toss lost, it’s unwise to look back as the fog obscures the straight lines of our history into a confused monochrome tangle of deadwood. Dried and brittle, cracked and coated with the sins of Winter, it’s enough. The eyes have seen enough and search ahead because there’s […]

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More delicious than lost, she’s a battle cry in the sea of adequate. She’s flame in the soft murmer of falling snow. She burns even when it’s impossible to find oxygen under the thick coat of longing’s heavy slumber. The stars lost to the burden of cloud, flakes swirls in the ground light and she […]

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Great houses won’t contain the surety of will possessed. The fast, clumsy fingers performing for the first time; the grip on a kite string, the drumming of that song, the counting in measured cadence. 1, 2, 3, 4. Can you open the bedroom door? Is the light allowed into this tiny world of fierce fantasy? […]

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The cataract bleed of morning streamed into the blur of crooked life. It’s the viscious haven for a thief that long ago replaced lock picks with words, dexterity with eloquence. What’s of value is the soft kiss, the moan, the candlelight flicker on the anguished face of ecstasy. Her dream under his plying effort, the […]

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This loss of breath, It’s wrong by design. A same shallow escape; A withdrawal into night As if the stars had hands That clutched at need, desire, worth. In that moment, she looked tired but fulfilled, Yet truth hung obvious to her As a coat on a rack Snow-flight drying By a closed front door […]

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