Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Cast from the simple joy of limitless embrace, she’s absent a lifeline to what’s come before. Their past was hunger and nervous voices, words left in the high static of satellite assistance and baud packets dropped, found, throttled and connected as drops of their torrid union sweat on the windows of neither’s home. The sea […]

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One day the color of your soul will catch up to you. And you’ll burn in the fires of hate you deserve. You’ll be wrapped in the yellows, reds and oranges of disdain and the simple pleasures you robbed from trust will peel away skin revealing the black hollow of your desires. There’s no pain […]

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Pinpoint eyelight in algae irises. Feral reflexes threaten the calm. Windows bar freedom but dispatch would bring death, so the battle is nature and we sit together at odds; roommates with claws drawn and accepted trust keeping war at bay. Fight or flight, it’ll never be what’s desired. There’s no winning when you were born […]

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Once it was beautiful, and our skin knew warmth with mutual kindness and our eyes caught the sway of our hips; bodies in time to special rhythms. The song decayed over fallen seasons, vibrance drained from ceaseless chills and assumptions, melodies a crumbling discord. Roll the fruit of our endeavor from the patch and it […]

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Our guardian sat quiet in blue light, shrouded in black, a scar of segmented abdomen serrating and buttressing smooth defense. Protective stone revered by superstitious minds, guided to position by cautious, needy hands to drive away dangerous attractions, fleeting, curious venom arching, diving, stinging, hating. Validity’s swerving grasp proves elusive, yet it remains sat, resolve […]

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Focus lost somewhere over forgotten years, use’s quota filled with only dust pressing keys. Set for observance, glimpses into an aging past, antiquated and the bokeh for a crisp present sprung from small footprints. Letters still the thread, new needles weave words, rounder edges and softer volumes with sirens’ calls cast the world over. Pulp […]

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Walking through Summer, their locked hands discovered. She white with expectation and gentle apprehension. Him gray with duty and protective thoughts. The procession stood to greet their sun bathed entrance as children laughed and swam in view behind revelers and under cloudless blue futures. A man awaited to bind his future to her, gray seeking […]

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He’s you. In so many you are two of a kind. The eyes. Always the eyes which caught me so by surprise the first day I saw him, a small face looking back at me with blue I’ve looked into for countless days, across myriad feelings and settings, blue that never ceases to arrest and […]

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