Come on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by simple hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]
Read MoreCome on. The cold relents. The biting frost disappears. The wounds of winter heal. Live. You’ve done it before. The roads threatened with their access to an end, the tuck and dive and screech and crush avoided by shingle hopes. That next great meal. That next wonderful kiss. The next joke and beautiful day where […]
Read MoreTrapped by the flood of circumstance and the ardor of impossibly attained lust, the net cast, the zeros and ones of outrageous fortune that cling to hearts literate in the great languages of binding, abiding, yearning, desiring. Rocky shores threaten shipwrecked delight and moonlight reveals skeletons awash in the salt of uncommon release, cracked ribcages […]
Read MoreOn approach, it’s all beauty. It’s that cheek ripening smile and uncaring laugh, so remarkable in volume and engulfing passion that the nervous air splits as it does moments before lightning strikes. Yet the receiving waters of guilt flood each corner and such moments of fine forgiveness, laid out as spotless cutlery before a grand […]
Read MoreEach one of these days pounds ego and heart into puddles spilled roadside and forgotten once the air dries. Sun beaten, any sign of pain erases. No splash made, these are the despised hours where an ocean’s weight drowns past promise. The gray was summoned! Greed and desire cracked each dam and then there’s surprise […]
Read MoreStaring long into the golden death of day is the fool’s assurance that the night will bring beauty. The fool’s steel-eyed belief that the stars’ reveal will shape better destiny, it’s the a gravedigger hoping to avoid his offering. There’s no solace in a constellation cycle or the spun wheel of day; each is denial […]
Read MoreWe couldn’t nail the symmetry, not exactly anyone, but close enough to win at horseshoes, and the whole thing feels like a hand grenade gone off. My limbs remain intact, but the hole blown through my chest is evidence I didn’t survive the blast. It was close enough to kill me still, this decade’s march […]
Read MoreLife stems from fire. All of it burns and dances its way through unrepentant Hellshade to grab hold of something glorious, a day’s worship, the hour’s promise and a minute’s delight. The sky spills her desire, a flood of careless lust and the seas lick at her beauty, warmth melting her defenses until the fire […]
Read MoreEvery moment now is art. Passively letting days slip away unnoticed in the haze of disappointment and anger is yesterday’s sin. Now the world bleeds onto my canvas by the hour. And I soak it in because the knife spreading its wound wider is this pain, the intense ripping away of of my fingers from […]
Read MoreA fastidious collection of awe, the driving beauty she possesses. Beg forgiveness, knees shattered under the weight of each supposition, each errant conclusion. How fortunate to behold such a gift of Nature! What a flourish of chance and frightening staccato, the lulling rhythm of days thrumming the mind into a drugged haze of blind complacency. […]
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