Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / morning

I believe in the faith Of a thousand turtles Guided by belief Driven by instinct. It’s like this affection. Natural and willing The culmination of Desire and need, Greed and lust, These eggs we bury On the shoreline Of togetherness. It’s a beautiful hunger. Awaking with hard yearning, The blush of heated skin Awaiting lips […]

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The dawn chorus shrilly beat back the blanket of sleep, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. Blades of morning sun sliced through birdsong, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. The humid air was queasy with vinegar woe, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. The rain threatened but never did come, and ruby […]

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We couldn’t nail the symmetry, not exactly anyone, but close enough to win at horseshoes, and the whole thing feels like a hand grenade gone off. My limbs remain intact, but the hole blown through my chest is evidence I didn’t survive the blast. It was close enough to kill me still, this decade’s march […]

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The cataract bleed of morning streamed into the blur of crooked life. It’s the viscious haven for a thief that long ago replaced lock picks with words, dexterity with eloquence. What’s of value is the soft kiss, the moan, the candlelight flicker on the anguished face of ecstasy. Her dream under his plying effort, the […]

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The unborn hopes of a future came to them as a child from the clouds. Arms spread and hovering benevolently over the still waters of their present, they stared in awe, hands held tight for the first time since their trouble began. “Is it possible this could happen?” he asked. She unlocked her fingers from […]

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The clouds in the puddle. The sky if your mind. I’d give you everything, have given so much, but it’s not enough. I tripped, fell flat on my face and saw the blood of my mistake spray across the finest dreams, tearing them from Heaven like discarded mobile toys; uncared for – under appreciated. And […]

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I’m going to blow this day apart, add fire to the sun and lay waste to every particle of dawn until it bleeds incandescent hate into the night, stealing splendor from the stars; murdering light-years of hope from cold stones lost in the void eons ago. Flatten each moment into a string of coalescing electrons […]

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A fastidious collection of awe, the driving beauty she possesses. Beg forgiveness, knees shattered under the weight of each supposition, each errant conclusion. How fortunate to behold such a gift of Nature! What a flourish of chance and frightening staccato, the lulling rhythm of days thrumming the mind into a drugged haze of blind complacency. […]

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Cup morning in fingers stretched to break skin. File days inside right angles, checked off, finite and clear in their expiry. Awaken with the ghosts of other lives clinging to the mind’s eye and shake them clear as dust from prominent shelves, brandished keepsakes maintained for the kind fetch of frivolous collectors, sycophants bathing in […]

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My God, can we make all of it beautiful? Can we round out all of the edges that threaten splinters and sing in full voices when our lungs cave under shame? A brilliance cast across the mundane, soft wonder in the fleeting moments between our need. We grip the sun in aching fingers, our souls […]

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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