Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Choke choke cough Rip this fucking roof off. Take it like the Grand Moff Tarkin Who’s barkin’ Orders to destroy and remarkin’ How Alderaan Was like the Taliban Rooting in Afghanistan. Hiding in caves Making big waves Overseas dancing in raves, But goddamn the party The arty Get hearty. And they dance, bitches Like Pedro’s […]

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Tawny loose meanings, strung along faithless waters, shorelines on the border of endless loss depths, returning feral tides that remind of need, of devotion, of uncertainty where dreams should linger. Such waves won’t deny suffering, and the elongated strife of hope, a vestigial tail wagged whenever the crash of truth storms rocky breaks, shatters teeth […]

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I want to dream of you I want to wake to you Thoughts won’t be enough But it’s all I’ve got A pocketful sleep To bring me nearer The hours blinking by As eyes close night away And these longing thoughts Of your perfect breath In my ear The sigh of your pleasure An echo […]

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You have all the chance loaded Like Vegas dice In a casino just off the strip Filled with desperate souls Stained with cigarette dreams And the faith of felt tables. Truth is, The death of me Is that woman Writhing in language, Swimming in metaphor And gambling With dangerous curves, The rounded bend Of ass, […]

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The heart can’t know. It’s a muscle, thudding to the impulse of the mind’s forgotten needs. Awash in the oxygen of its derelict churning, beating, workman-like, we expect so much of it, thoughts, freedom, direction. It can’t know, so the mind does the work of knowing, believing, caring; its hard duties misappropriated to the chest […]

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Mirror mirror, asked on that wall. For you are the fairest of them all. Can you not see? This fairy tale holds no place for others. This happily ever after is yours and no one else’s. Princes may come and go, but your beauty and this divine reflection will stay forever, assuring you of the […]

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Maybe it was the roundness of her eyes or the deep warm brown of her irises that hinted at a universe of thoughts she had swirling like galaxies in her mind. Inviting the curious. It was as if the firmament went out. She wondered if her eyes now just held cold dead space that no […]

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There is nothing unreasonable in love And isn’t that what this is about? That bubble of warmth Like the swallow of spirits Disarming the overcranked mind, Lulling it like a babe at dusk And opening the thick skin Of jaded indifference And such callous belief That the heart, Encrusted in the rigid carapace Of longing […]

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As if they were Those hands, Those lips That mouth. The spill of salt and lust Is a dream ready for real, The Pinocchio magic Of a lonely heart Searching for complete; Daring for connection And the firm grip, Stroke, Flinch Of shuddering release. In the end it’s quiet, An ecstasy awaiting The ecstatic. A […]

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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