Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Such effortless whimsy! Let those hands come together! There is celebration here, the rollicking train of tomorrow, locomotive joy under radiant Gods and laws as two stroll down as two, trade infinities, share heart words, press decorative lust and then, hands clasped, arms interlocked, return as one before the adoring, the obligated, the hungry, the soon-to-be drunk, the jaded, the hopeful, and the left-behind. A swirl of generosity and magnanimity, bigger selves, best wishes, stupid dances, and tears, so many tears, as the future rarely appears so concrete, even as it’s constructed with delicate finery: lace, silver, season’s bloom and hope. Eat! This plate is the flesh of childhood and offered as sacrifice to adult years arriving like tourists on vacation, bellies full of promise and sweet dreams. And so all of that ceremony, planned bliss and worry, speeds through in wonder blur, the family and friends aligning periphery but thrusting the celebrated into next days with rice and cake, pink and white, Sunday best all around and raised glasses, tapping forks. Here, here! Now there! Now go, children, for your last days to play in the sun have arrived and work is about to begin. Smile, lovers! For you’ve arrived at the eve of a long tomorrow with one by your side to dispel fear, chase away longing, nurture aspiration and build home; that place of belonging where sleep arrives with calm and the warmth of another. Goodbye! Godspeed! And welcome.


This kicks off a weeklong series of pieces devoted to meditations on marriage as a companion to @consideredlight’s “The Wedding Series / ‘Til Death Do Us Part,” a multimedia and performance art exhibition happening on 10/11/14 at 959 N. Hill Street in Los Angeles from 6-10pm. The photos featured with my writing are the work of Janice and her collaborators. The words are mine.

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(at Vow of Sunday)

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