Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / sunset

At Your Smallest

Tiny things, That first breath taken with morning eyes Open Or the way both arms reach to the headboard In a satisfying stretch, But specifically the smile The way it crests with sunny realization That there’s love in this bed, This house, This air. Spring can have its opulent blooms And Summer can pull hair, […]

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Cherry Sin

Cherry-dipped sunsets soften with their grenadine punch, calliope keys pressed, whistle-blowing off steam. Truth wins every time, a revolution glowing brilliant as each note played, steam crowding unprepared skies with demand. Be seen, heard. Satisfied melodies ripping through golden hour haze, dripping longing in the boughs of bent tree stems caught in eerie silhouette; how […]

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Heavens Dim

This love blooms With galaxy center force Shaming light-stealing lusts, Rewriting time’s relativity. The past writhes Slick and parasitic But with its nebulaic charms Birthing shimmering futures From dusty tendril grips And oh how the firmament Pales in its white-knuckle press Leaking spent wishes between Void clogged fingers. Lofty simplicity summons suns, Questions quasars, Pronounces […]

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This is graceless, A heart made of ash Reduced by the fanned flames Of self hatred And the inferno of A loathed mirror. How can it not be mud When mixed In waters of forgiveness? Siphoned whoa, The guilty thirst for kindness As verdant leaves cup For early morning rain A gray sky delivering bounty […]

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All this fucking sin squeels Like a pig gutted in the charnel house and you you dive like the sun at the failure of day, a bastard clinging to the light you never deserved, an orphan screaming about her perfect parents, the moon and the stars, and how aligned they were In you slow, succumbing […]

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Why beat? Why strum the soul wire and set time with chest drum, the bass of your footsteps approaching like a solemnly timed dirge that creaks floorboards like dusty ivory keys in an abandoned house, deserted by a family on the run, the way rotting organs flee the dirty bones of a ribcage. It’s the […]

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I want to dream of you I want to wake to you Thoughts won’t be enough But it’s all I’ve got A pocketful sleep To bring me nearer The hours blinking by As eyes close night away And these longing thoughts Of your perfect breath In my ear The sigh of your pleasure An echo […]

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You have all the chance loaded Like Vegas dice In a casino just off the strip Filled with desperate souls Stained with cigarette dreams And the faith of felt tables. Truth is, The death of me Is that woman Writhing in language, Swimming in metaphor And gambling With dangerous curves, The rounded bend Of ass, […]

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Why is it even a word, this haphazard misappropriation of allegedly bulletproof opinion that skulks around solemnly behind the bold charisma of loudest claims? If the sky hates mercy, then let it bleed its mercurial happenstance, fling great clouds of fact into obscurity and beach solar entitlement as of it were a hopeless whale, drying […]

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Covered. Cold. Sin is in season. Disbelief in the evidence. Laid out and direct. Like sunlight on a cloudless day. Blinding. But obscured by the thick frost of derision, that chill of hate for the mirror that can’t crack soon enough. Right there. A blind man could see it and yet, reason vanishes and the […]

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