Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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It was gleeful, 
This delight.
The hand finding wet,
The body curling under 
Each hot kiss
And confident breath
Bred from decades of waiting.
She sung high quiet
Into a pillow stained with lipstick
And the smear of mascara.
The moans of approaching release
A chorus of measured patience eroding
As cliff ledges falling
To the need of a turbulent sea.
Still she hid in the heart light,
Silhouette suggesting the long shadows
Of a perilous dawn
Where the cry and tension of sated hunger
Blinded all reason,
All mercy,
All reluctance.
So there she lifted high,
Spine bent in ecstasy 
And euphoria inching closer
With bold strokes 
Painted within the welcoming yawn
Of her need;
His masterpiece.
Her lost composition.


This is my second collaboration with the  lovely @life_lyrically. Her photos and my rather intensive edit accompanied by my words. Thank you so much, M. It’s wonderful to have your trust and faith to create something special together. 

#poetry_addicts #mobileartistry #poetry #snapseed #poem #photoart #heavyedit #silhouette #woman #beauty #lovely #writer #collaboration #writing #risque
(at Feared Art)

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