Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Posts By: Jason Santo

The Pick Up

              The majority of land-based creatures on Earth walk on more than two legs.  What were there… humans and some apes who took to standing-up?  One or three species of mammal that graduated through enough evolution to reach for the apple in the tree without growing some part of them out disproportionately like a Giraffe? […]

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Getting Off the Bench

Hopefully advances in technology will get me to spend a little more time writing and less time wishing that I write. God, for close to ten years I’ve been in this kind of creative stasis, perpetually wishing I was creating instead of actually creating. Perhaps I’m more happy wishing, or maybe I’m afraid of further […]

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Kobyashi Maru

The no-win situation. A catch-22. My Star Trek love insists that I use the Kobayashi Maru despite the fact that it 1.) proves what an enormous nerd I am and 2.) very few people know what I’m saying when I speak of it. Have you been in one of these? Where any solution results in […]

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In the Times Between Us

In the times between uswe loved only within moments together.Lips overlapping, pressed, hotmoistened by expectationand hunger.I tasted truth there,never meeting it againwhen words replaced kisses.Claiming I was special,yet never was I exceptional enough.Arguing I was beautiful,the mirror insisting otherwise.Laughing in ungraceful gaspswith eyes unsmiling.Each an invitation rescinded,a reminder we were apart,a denial of sensed hunger.In the […]

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So We Meet Again for the First Time

The first time I wrote a blog was in 2000. Blogger was in its infancy, well before being swept up under Google’s brand, and I was still fairly convinced my future was in filmmaking. Like this blog, there was a self-taken shot set as the blog’s background: an image of a Canon XL-1 video camera […]

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Jason Santo Video Acting Reel

Hey! That’s ME in the movie! The official description: A little bit of drama, a little bit of comedy, and a little bit of action over many, many years of learning the craft of acting. View clips from just a few of the 30+ short movies in which Jason Santo has acted over the past […]

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My Son’s Middle Name Kicks Your Son’s Middle Name’s Ass

Some quick back-story before we set off on this particular five year mission:I have never worn a Star Trek uniform. And I actually can’t remember if the barren world Khan was found on was Seti-Alpha 5 or 7. Also: I don’t agree with the statement that you have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read […]

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Aftermath: The best visuals

A look behind the scenes of the 2004 short film “Aftermath.”

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Aftermath: The read through

A look behind the scenes of the 2004 short film “Aftermath.”

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Aftermath: Starting to fill out

A look behind the scenes of the 2004 short film “Aftermath.”

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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