Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Let’s turn you over and see how you move. Let’s bind the walls with sweat and guide the length of this effort into trust’s soft worry; where hands clasp at wrists and stretch fingers with delightful apprehension. Kneaded flesh under patient measure, a leather cuff threatening raw burn elation. Unaware, you’ll wait. A tickle and taste. A fareaway place brought near. A tear from sweet sting and pull. The ache for full and the pressed wet fabric rub and tear away. The wince. The bent neck drawn back with a clutch of hair; a fistful of lust. A loss of control and shudder under tongue. Where light loses focus under the approaching crush of control’s death. Twist and curl against the hold and it only speeds the delicious chaos of your collapse. Divine moans and cries, eyes wet at corners; heart pumping, thumping, dumping the real world at the curb of your undoing. And then the rush, agony drawn like the thread holding a loose button and you open, spilling your need against the tight smother of weight behind you, a truck loosed on the flat welcome of your hunger, the thick ram of relentless greed for release prolonging each wave of honey-shock, spreading limbs as if gravity’s law were mandate under your hitched breath. And then supernova star spill, ascension’s Heaven peeling back at the tight cling and deep final reach. Oh, sweet, sweet girl. Let that body sing until notes fall into the cadence of a lunar tug at your breath, and the hurry of your yearning crashes, dissipates, and leaves the satisfaction of your bound triumph.


Collaboration with the fascinating and lovely @zeusnursemaiden, her photos with my edit and words.

#poem #poetry #poet #writer #writing #igpoetry #heavyedit #portrait #poetry_addicts #poetryloving #ma_dark #mobileartistry #colaboration (at Turn Over)

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