Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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He bled stars and city lights, coughed, and stared long into tomorrow as the hustle washed over him with pinpoint ecstasy. There was delight here. A swim in the void of responsibility, spilling obligations with each dive he took into the high-rise moment as if they were the run-off from a pool filled far too […]

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Desert this. Pull the ripcord and let the Earth’s drag you down, out like a child from the womb, screaming new song in the catacombs of lost hopes, a lone cry for help among the selfish whores of Babylon who count their gold before the future comes, guiding hands that feed into incisors hellbent on […]

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She left him laying in the other room, a wall in place of thousands of miles, and in the mirror, a woman searched her eyes for a sense of gravity. She knew the girl there, caught in looking glasses with a sense of loyalty and revulsion that cornered her into compromise, but here was someone […]

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A hand on your throat Did you know it’s a note? To a melody shaking, No this isn’t a joke. Can you carry this, lover? Over shoulder, lost hope. An understanding, a lesson And learn how to cope? All reason’s stung, bleeding Into moments misspoke Into climates arranged And desires like smoke Disappearing in ether […]

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The allure rests somewhere beyond the unyielding sun or hourglass sand, the wafts of cleansing cilantro, smoky chorizo, or bliss resin peppering bareskin evening, the explosive aerosol flora turning edifice to canvas or the fevered industry of four million restless lovers blanketing the sky. Beyond such accumulated scurry and linger are hearts open, hands turned […]

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Aloysius slayed canvas like the knights in shining armor of his childhood slayed dragons. He’d had these plastic men with their faux feathered helmets, plumes that should have danced in the wind of the sandbox, but were instead still, solid as the shields and swords each beared with unyielding courage. And they won every time […]

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That call ruined two decades, regret pounding at the door of resilience to average days; those routines ignored and unappreciated, dismissed as cowardice and choking happiness. Because nothing was good enough, the plaster of shattered walls caking fists and the dull ache of bruised bone a constant reminder that possibility was folly, the weak-minded’s fork […]

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Streaming Movie The Dark Tower (2017) Online

The Dark Tower (2017) Duration 95 mins Genre Action, Western, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror. In Cinemas August 3, 2017 Language English. Country South Africa, United States of America. Plot For The Dark Tower Movie ‘The Dark Tower’ was released in August 3, 2017 in genre Action. Nikolaj Arcel was directed this movie and starring by […]

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Those pens gripped had spilled more blood than ink, and now carnage roiled by each word spat in epitaph carelessness gathered in conscious pools, the bilious exhuming their regrets in a fountain of their own rot. If care were a weapon, then a nuclear strike had decimated the good and cold blue stared with disdain […]

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The break crash whim. The startle. Wind whistle fuckery and a turned cheek to another direction. Hailstorm loss, dented metal and titanium weakness. Bent soul, crooked and weighted, impatient, unfathomable, unwelcome. You’re singing in the breeze, excuses floating past now into yesterday, words finding no mooring like a dingy in a hurricane, gale-blasted and sinking, […]

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