Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Whine by the bellyful, the sanguine press of a bleeding heart wreathes like those thorns across the forehead of a savior, spilling forgiveness. There’s none to be had. Hands filthy, the ridges of identity choked with grime and guilt, it’s nothing compared to the blemish of those actions. What’s done, so much louder than words, […]

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The house is a Venus flytrap and you’re the buzz, buzz, buzzing interloper land, land, landing on the isle of accordion bliss, contracting and expanding with notes as discordant as the offkey hymnal of an unrequited heart. Oh and how that beats! That thumping cauldron of witch tit sorcery that swirls and eddies with the […]

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Cork pop. Spill. Blood dilute. Like oil in the pooling crimson of a slaughtered deer. Gluttony quakes in rolls of terpitude. Flesh cries for touch, a soul starved. And at night, peril stars careen off track, winking in long streaks as if baiting the lost to keep following. Bliss is somewhere in the endless, but […]

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The dawn chorus shrilly beat back the blanket of sleep, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. Blades of morning sun sliced through birdsong, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. The humid air was queasy with vinegar woe, and ruby sat waiting. Ruby sat wanting. The rain threatened but never did come, and ruby […]

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A ruby eclipse and the stuttering ghosts of a vernacular ill-equipped to combat solemn notions. Swig the crimson, toasting the grim light and allowing bellicose yearning to tear spirits from limbs, souls run into hot exposures where they burn like scalps in the desert. Grape wrath, nocturnal bathing of a reckless unsheathed scabbard seeking dark […]

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Bound with liquid, our nectar dissipates slower, receding home to pressed beginnings and contributing to a swirl of uncommon thought blanketing palettes with serene dreams. Legs stretch as tendrils of divine truth, ruby streams searching for escape but pulled back to centers all encompassing. We sleep during the course, lying captive to attractions pulling us […]

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Sip, surfeit, surrender. Each begins with S and travel abroad on oceans of crested meaning, storms avoided by unwelcome fists balled tight around the stems of fine crystal. It’s not violence, this art, but a swallow and sway within the finite, an arbiter of responsibility retired for evenings spent wading in warm paradise. Dreams grow […]

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