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I Am Santo

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A ruby eclipse and the stuttering ghosts of a vernacular ill-equipped to combat solemn notions. Swig the crimson, toasting the grim light and allowing bellicose yearning to tear spirits from limbs, souls run into hot exposures where they burn like scalps in the desert. Grape wrath, nocturnal bathing of a reckless unsheathed scabbard seeking dark purchase, imminent release and the spray of fire-bidden sons and daughters. Fracture the filament of treaties, yellowed contracts made crisp with complacent incandescence, and spy the rose-tint of ignorance. Were we only blind. Were the poisons only stronger to mute the world permanently. #wine #wineglass #light #closeup #cheers #toast #drink #pinotnoir #ruby #poem #poetry #writer #writing #literary_imagery1 #literary_original (at Salut)

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