Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / sunset

After the thrive, when promises dripped liked early morning dew, the decay set in; challenging hopes, chasing dreams with the sharpened teeth of reality. They fell, the shared home of their experience dropping away as the might of cacophonous days forced change. Never of heart, but of circumstance. The wind is what sets this course, […]

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Drawn in salt, in the sweat of our effort, are these rules; man made guidelines for our protection and diligence. They bark and threaten with punishments to keep us in line. Keep safe. Color in the lines. Follow with one foot in front of the other to ensure it all goes as planned in this […]

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She dips low, beauty ducking from view with flare and golden offerings, and the world sinks into the cold waters of shadow. All things fade from her light. Though she gifts everything life, it all recedes from her as rot and wilt. Were it only possible to keep her shine on failing skin and mind. […]

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Low sky, sun drowned within an infinite horizon, stretched into death with a final breath of pink hue kissing night. Another life awaits, the sounds of crickets working their mating calls, and eyes search the dark for signs of light – of love – in those sparkling pin-pricks millions of years old. Traversing epochs of […]

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Fires rip through the final act of our drama, charcoal teeth gnashing and flaming tongues tasting each quiet hope nestled in these soft bellies. No regard for hopes or wishes, hours crisp and melt away as opportunities stolen, disappearing into a glorious display that arrests spinning thoughts. Eyes turn to the brilliance of this demise, […]

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This empty heaven, it dangles beauty and bisects the cancer of a day’s death. A glass of still knifing through wood and diluting radiant gifts, it remains striking while still a copy; alluring while within reach. Sullied by approachability, value sinks as if counterfeit, but remains held aloft by settled hearts, a bounty for the […]

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Caught in the glow of afternoon’s final gifts, she instructs his eager lesson, and I sit apart from their moment, in awe of the connection shared to the day, the minute, the learning and one another. Bound by sun, blood, and soul, they smile, eyes shining the same blue and fill an ailing heart with […]

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Carefree shores and vacationing hearts, the toil of yesterday tossed away for the freedom of shorter hours that spin away as unspooled thread might, skittering along the floor like stones over still waters. Breathe in air stinging with salt and pick up these lilting melodies of tides come and gone, the hymnals of lunar mourning.

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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