Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Drawn up from solitude with an addiction to promise, wait wait sweet soul and breath lust another day. Fire aura exploding with charnel decay, wait wait darling and crave love for today. Moving in rhythm sliding as one in night’s groan, wait wait baby and dream this away. Hands exploring the soft stuttering of will, […]

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Our edges are smoothed by fierce wind. Weather beaten, the drama of our rise still a monument to inevitable passion, collision, ascension. The Earth cracked and shivered with the sky as our salvation, and clinging together, calamitous hearts steadied into one beat that set rhythm to years of striving. Our shadows cast long, we spilled […]

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Going wonder. Going. Growing. Gone. Grown. Joy lifted. Elevated. Pushed Heavenward. Debuted in the summer haze. Cured by the winter chill. The crawl into age and ownership. This world. An inheritance of debt and worry. How youth colors it. How it’s forgotten. The melody lost. What a tune. Such ear candy. Not lost. Shunned. Stored […]

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It’s assumed what could be done was done to create such art. That reason sits behind the infallible Nature of the clay-like sand, the tranquil lapping of crystal waters, the jutting snow-capped peaks and the white clouds blossoming in the blue field of perfect sky. And in enters man, in steps woman; their desire for […]

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Don’t it sing? This magnificent haze of burning that brings you to him, as if the orange glow of untamed wildfire on a crooked and spoked horizon. What malignant attraction. The darkest corner of failure in your defenses, where you saw hope in the allure of those startling eyes, those inviting lips, that conflagration of […]

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Bleeding ideas out of the box, actors have new names, views steal fresh angles and stories drip like crimson from split skin, lacerations leaking unique moments in old tales. Whodunit? She did. With a hammer to the back of the head, but to know her crime first and then divine motive breaks the mold; slides […]

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