Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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CARBON Have you got a dime, Or do I have to call collect To dial back this surging lust A staticless connection Highwiring between faraway hearts That tiptoe across The perilous sinew That ropes muscle and bone to intention And throttles the loss Of presence. We’re ghosts in the night Swaying like reeds under a […]

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The house is a Venus flytrap and you’re the buzz, buzz, buzzing interloper land, land, landing on the isle of accordion bliss, contracting and expanding with notes as discordant as the offkey hymnal of an unrequited heart. Oh and how that beats! That thumping cauldron of witch tit sorcery that swirls and eddies with the […]

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Choke choke cough Rip this fucking roof off. Take it like the Grand Moff Tarkin Who’s barkin’ Orders to destroy and remarkin’ How Alderaan Was like the Taliban Rooting in Afghanistan. Hiding in caves Making big waves Overseas dancing in raves, But goddamn the party The arty Get hearty. And they dance, bitches Like Pedro’s […]

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This is graceless, A heart made of ash Reduced by the fanned flames Of self hatred And the inferno of A loathed mirror. How can it not be mud When mixed In waters of forgiveness? Siphoned whoa, The guilty thirst for kindness As verdant leaves cup For early morning rain A gray sky delivering bounty […]

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Can I get a witness? This business This lack of fitness Society’s winless Fat of the land Buying name brand Feeling it’s grand Worshiping the bland Celebrity bandwagon Promoting label braggin’ Fighting age saggin’ Stretchmarks get tongues waggin’ Come on, it’s on Turn off, go blonde Hang loose, tan bronze Booksmarts are gone! Vanished like […]

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These wishes for you near, they are becoming habits. Captured memories of your fingertips tracing the lines of my body, I feel you in the almost of the air, quietly beckoning. And these sensations, summoned like spring at the end of summer, they are immutable, a constant reminder of wisdom within our fire. Whether ember […]

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Our sky is then and endless, A stretch of blue day And a limitless reach Into overwhelming history Among the shimmering winks Of forgotten suns. Our Earth is now and finite, A patch of brown Swallowed in triumphant aquamarine And stamped by The footfalls, fumbles and foibles Of topspun today; The homogenous now Of letters […]

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I believe in the faith Of a thousand turtles Guided by belief Driven by instinct. It’s like this affection. Natural and willing The culmination of Desire and need, Greed and lust, These eggs we bury On the shoreline Of togetherness. It’s a beautiful hunger. Awaking with hard yearning, The blush of heated skin Awaiting lips […]

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Ifs and whens, A community of hope Congregating at the alter of Togetherness And it’s not merely map miles Traversed Or circumstances Overcome, For those are tamed seas And beaten back wilds, And we are guided By explorer hearts; We won’t turn back Despite the threatening beauty Of ocean gales Under corpulent nimbus And the […]

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All this fucking sin squeels Like a pig gutted in the charnel house and you you dive like the sun at the failure of day, a bastard clinging to the light you never deserved, an orphan screaming about her perfect parents, the moon and the stars, and how aligned they were In you slow, succumbing […]

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