Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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A leap of no significance but to the lonely, stars would be ignored and the years would remain as they are, stacked in their familiar litany of transgression against nature; there’s no hero here. There is only this interminable yearning, a need for acceptance, faith, love and forgiveness. Happiness. And if the minutes and cost […]

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It’s all flame and eruption, this dilated cauldron of hurt that brews blood oil, that sticks and lines the insides of the skull, lungs and heart. With each drop of proffered kindness the trajectory is proven wrong, war-swept gales of indifference, expectations and frustration sweeping as if flack in the rain. What destinies would have […]

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The break crash whim. The startle. Wind whistle fuckery and a turned cheek to another direction. Hailstorm loss, dented metal and titanium weakness. Bent soul, crooked and weighted, impatient, unfathomable, unwelcome. You’re singing in the breeze, excuses floating past now into yesterday, words finding no mooring like a dingy in a hurricane, gale-blasted and sinking, […]

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No more of this. The rush slows. The polished stones of lonely devoid of their stabbing edges, the flow of days pouring ever deepening calm. The roar hushes. Rivulets of expectation eddy and foam. Slower now – never still – but slower; gentler. There’s a song rising up from here. The words have new meaning, […]

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At the edge of antiquity, the crumbling vacancy of hope is a mistake taken wind, a mast erected and gathering the warm southern breeze, spread with the fuel of sunlight. The mist rises and the balance of these limited fortunes diminish with each course navigated. Stay or go. Fight or flight. Worry or indifference. The […]

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I want to melt with the day. Feel the cascade for her leaving, the drip of hours down the bumps of my spine. Clear my head of obligation’s webs, threads of gossamer duty spun to mighty ideals that crack my knees; lower my head. It isn’t too late to forgo this mission. A tiny rebel […]

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Low sky, sun drowned within an infinite horizon, stretched into death with a final breath of pink hue kissing night. Another life awaits, the sounds of crickets working their mating calls, and eyes search the dark for signs of light – of love – in those sparkling pin-pricks millions of years old. Traversing epochs of […]

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Refrain from interrogating the course of things, this stream of rippling mirror projecting upside down worlds of infinite possibility. It’s familiar, the lines of each direction, the flavor of responsibility, the sweet sting of obligation and resultant pride of accomplishment, yet the free fall beckons, unclear of view, but quivering forms of suggestion seducing curiosity […]

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This empty heaven, it dangles beauty and bisects the cancer of a day’s death. A glass of still knifing through wood and diluting radiant gifts, it remains striking while still a copy; alluring while within reach. Sullied by approachability, value sinks as if counterfeit, but remains held aloft by settled hearts, a bounty for the […]

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