Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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This loss of breath, It’s wrong by design. A same shallow escape; A withdrawal into night As if the stars had hands That clutched at need, desire, worth. In that moment, she looked tired but fulfilled, Yet truth hung obvious to her As a coat on a rack Snow-flight drying By a closed front door […]

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Let’s turn you over and see how you move. Let’s bind the walls with sweat and guide the length of this effort into trust’s soft worry; where hands clasp at wrists and stretch fingers with delightful apprehension. Kneaded flesh under patient measure, a leather cuff threatening raw burn elation. Unaware, you’ll wait. A tickle and […]

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The cloud canvas explodes with nature’s lust and a huger unsated despite the arrogant swell of her bosom. She’ll tantalize. She’ll uncross her legs and pull longing as if it were a stray thread leading to the unraveled folly of gravity’s earnest hold. Falling into the sky, there’s a sense that Heaven awaits somewhere past […]

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The accordion slide of days, with hours squeezed from dawn and released after dusk, sets minutes to measured tones. Low notes suffocate. Highs liberate. And each compression unpredictably threatens discord to open souls, divine fingers either imperfect in their play or malicious. So close off, lock up, place a grand shield over a hole in […]

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With my eyes I see art, yet my hands move as if compromised by other skills, no delicacy with color or shape, no wood or nails meeting exact measures to impress. So I rely on simple science, something new; glass and lens to portray unique angles on this unoriginal span of days generously labeled a […]

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Flickering light moves, carrying a flood of hopes and expectation. Crunchy exaltation punctuating with salt the sweetness of each moment, a lift and carry of magic in an age if logic, the last bastion of suspended disbelief. Sit. Dive into new lives. Cry for the lost, sing laughter in gales of spun narrative that float […]

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