Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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The cataract bleed of morning streamed into the blur of crooked life. It’s the viscious haven for a thief that long ago replaced lock picks with words, dexterity with eloquence. What’s of value is the soft kiss, the moan, the candlelight flicker on the anguished face of ecstasy. Her dream under his plying effort, the […]

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Let’s turn you over and see how you move. Let’s bind the walls with sweat and guide the length of this effort into trust’s soft worry; where hands clasp at wrists and stretch fingers with delightful apprehension. Kneaded flesh under patient measure, a leather cuff threatening raw burn elation. Unaware, you’ll wait. A tickle and […]

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It was gleeful,  This delight. The hand finding wet, The body curling under  Each hot kiss And confident breath Bred from decades of waiting. She sung high quiet Into a pillow stained with lipstick And the smear of mascara. The moans of approaching release A chorus of measured patience eroding As cliff ledges falling To […]

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To see what's what in the world of Santo

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