Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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The sky is robbed of color. What a crafty turn of carelessness, what an act of full hatred. Steal blue, gold, orange drift, and beg at the alter of others’ attention. Maybe pull a tongue, taste a truth, find a lick of Heaven as the monochrome of your exhaustion wears thin, cheesecloth excuses for fleeing […]

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My path is littered with death. Husks of once vital, thriving splendor congregate at the alter of my footfalls, worshipping nothing, granting only the sound of cracked bones underfoot. I won’t walk, not a step further, surveying the victims of my purgatory. I’ll stay and weather a Winter’s wrath to see life renewed, or I […]

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A fastidious collection of awe, the driving beauty she possesses. Beg forgiveness, knees shattered under the weight of each supposition, each errant conclusion. How fortunate to behold such a gift of Nature! What a flourish of chance and frightening staccato, the lulling rhythm of days thrumming the mind into a drugged haze of blind complacency. […]

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I’m stuck. I want to belong, but I’m digging deeper holes, becoming more threat than suitable; my usefulness outweighed by the wounds inflicted. I stand alien in familiar environs, unsettling and gilded with a taut, reflexive temper hinging on the rusted spring of need. I was driven here, left in this uncoiled state of vicious […]

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