Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Volley and gambit, crazed lassos of reckless curiosity cast and tightening around this, that, a thing there and a world gleaming in new wonder; oh how you’ve divined the water of life and air of love from a world too often fraught with tremble and disease. You unearthed the well-spring of rejuvenation, unsullied the gorgeous […]

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All lights go out. Whether it’s approaching day mercifully silencing the hum of illumination or simply the filament, the incandescent heart, failing, all lights quit. Quitting. It connotes a decision made, a conclusion reached. If an end is inevitable, maybe giving up is the only control to be exercised. Stick with it and prolong suffering […]

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The belief in you is salvation for a soul left crooked by worry and fault. The twenty hour wakings leave heavy stones on hearts beating with ever more labor that you – somehow and someway – avoid the haunt of misery. It’s not all sadness. There are smiles and laughter poking through the blanket of […]

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At the edge of antiquity, the crumbling vacancy of hope is a mistake taken wind, a mast erected and gathering the warm southern breeze, spread with the fuel of sunlight. The mist rises and the balance of these limited fortunes diminish with each course navigated. Stay or go. Fight or flight. Worry or indifference. The […]

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Diving from the sun. Piercing eyes, a flare, the shine of a stare too long at hope and warm acceptance. Dance with the periphery, live at the corners with affordable prisms that skitter as insects under scrutiny, fearful of capture. Hold out hands, flex fingers and find gold play and coal shade drift with each […]

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Refrain from interrogating the course of things, this stream of rippling mirror projecting upside down worlds of infinite possibility. It’s familiar, the lines of each direction, the flavor of responsibility, the sweet sting of obligation and resultant pride of accomplishment, yet the free fall beckons, unclear of view, but quivering forms of suggestion seducing curiosity […]

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I caught you dancing in this light as I tutored new life and you, comprised of zeros and ones – a binary antidote to monotony – shed your digits one by one, until all that was left was zero. The sum of your virtual experience impressed on thoughts just as intangible, yet both are as […]

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