Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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That call ruined two decades, regret pounding at the door of resilience to average days; those routines ignored and unappreciated, dismissed as cowardice and choking happiness. Because nothing was good enough, the plaster of shattered walls caking fists and the dull ache of bruised bone a constant reminder that possibility was folly, the weak-minded’s fork […]

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Hell is loneliness for the abandoned. To finally have slept adjacent to another’s tender warmth and basked in the aura of together, what a lie. What a temporary fuck; blissed out senses in override like an old beat up sedan pressed too hard into fourth gear over the baked, naked heat of late Summer macadam. […]

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Our edges are smoothed by fierce wind. Weather beaten, the drama of our rise still a monument to inevitable passion, collision, ascension. The Earth cracked and shivered with the sky as our salvation, and clinging together, calamitous hearts steadied into one beat that set rhythm to years of striving. Our shadows cast long, we spilled […]

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Every moment now is art. Passively letting days slip away unnoticed in the haze of disappointment and anger is yesterday’s sin. Now the world bleeds onto my canvas by the hour. And I soak it in because the knife spreading its wound wider is this pain, the intense ripping away of of my fingers from […]

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Hang on. There will be harsh wind and cruel rain. Hang on because letting go will fade us like sun-stained newsprint, our story lost. Cling to me. Show nature your tenacity and weather each graceless intrusion, a sky crowded by the rolling cotton of mistakes, of misunderstanding’s webs clotting all progress, trapping joy in thunderclaps. […]

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