Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

Home / backlit

My fires burn the sky. They melt air, turning it to a confused tumult the color of an expiring sun. Tendrils of hope stretch for daydreams, but the chorus awakens with its homilies of a false prophet giving saccharine advice. “Heed your heart,” he claims in a sweet, reedy voice, thin as aged wallpaper in […]

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The chance to get it right. It’s represented in small moves, smiles and head bobs that spy things now long unnoticed. Pens as drumsticks. A stage as adequate for play as a park. Long windows gathering day. The wonder of wind and its play in the fabric that binds brothers and sisters, lovers, thieves and […]

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Those galaxies hover outside our safety. They swing hard destiny. They mock and whisper, shred our hopes into confetti sprinkled on the avenues of gravity, where the spin and weight of us expires against the whirl of substance. We bank on love to keep us tethered to home, but it ever loosens as nights forfeit […]

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