Aiming for a creative life

I Am Santo

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Ifs and whens,
A community of hope
Congregating at the alter of
And it’s not merely map miles
Or circumstances
For those are tamed seas
And beaten back wilds,
And we are guided
By explorer hearts;
We won’t turn back
Despite the threatening beauty
Of ocean gales
Under corpulent nimbus
And the whipped up frenzy
Of drowning whitecaps.
No we won’t flinch
At the thick briar
And tangled verdant vine
Of undiscovered country.
Because we are brave.
Or are we?
The salt-choked lungs
And lacerated limbs
Of our leagues of longing
Are larcenous without love.
That’s where the ship lists
And the path crowds over
With impasse.
The big if or when.
Is it allowed into the craggy,
Weather-beaten nooks
Of our pitched and yawned hearts?
Or is this massive exploration
An embarrassment of confused motive;
Manifest destiny
The way water loses itself down drains.
Our power is what we make it,
And as this clock signals judgement
These hands wring
So high above intention
That wisdom seeks refuge
And passions override
With the inaudible whine
Of dying faith.
The point of every adventure
Is to settle.
So set that compass.
Obey the law of North.
Find a home and keep it.
Because outside
The storm’s still beating
And the path’s still unbeaten.
Come in
If and when
You’re ready.
The compass can only tell you where
Not when.


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